In Minsk Alkaeu met new witnesses on the case of the disappeared
December 4 2012

The former head of the investigation detention center No 1 of Minsk Aleg Alkaeu secretly visited Belarus in mid-November.

Colonel Aleg Alkaeu, the author of the “Fring-squad” book, confirmed it to that he went to Minsk in the middle of November.

“I went there to meet new witnesses to the crimes and take some documents from my archives, relating to the kidnappings and murders. I managed to meet some with of them, with others — did not. Overall, the tasks that I had for myself I fulfilled. If there was more time, I could have done more. But it is enough what I did to proceed whith the investigation”, — the colonel commented for

In the video, that the’s editorial office received, one can see that one of the key witnesses to the case of the disappearances of Lukashenka’s opponents at the end of 90-ies, who had to leave Belarus and get a political asylum in Germany after he testified, is riding in a car along the Nezaliezhnasci avenue.

We would remind that in 1999 the acting chairman of the Supreme Council of Belarus Viktar Ganchar, businessman Anatol Krasouski and former head of the Ministry of Interior Yury Zakharanka disappeared without a trace. Later a journalist Dzmitry Zavadski disappeared. Afterwards the documents were made public, which indicated that a “death squad” dealt shortly with the opposition politicians and civic activists and the orders to that were given by the top leadership of the country.